La Asociación de Mujeres Najmarabic, es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, afincada en Málaga.
Fue fundada como Asociación el 8 de Julio de 2011, aunque llevaba funcionando como grupo desde 2003. Su legalización tuvo lugar en Abril de 2012.
Artículo 6. Fines1. Promover, la integración multicultural a través de la danza, la música, las charlas y otras actividades culturales.2. Promover y facilitar la formación en la danza oriental y otras danzas, así como la expresión corporal.3. Colaborar con otras asociaciones culturales, así como Ayuntamientos o Distritos, promoviendo la participación de la mujer en la vida sociocultural.4. Promover y difundir las actividades de otras asociaciones, de interés cultural participando en ellas, así como las actividades y talleres de profesoras y centros de danza.5. Colaborar en actos benéficos en la medida de sus posibilidades.6. fomentar la pluralidad social, tanto en edad como en sexo. Las actividades organizadas por la asociación no estarán vetadas por sexo o edad de los participantes.Y para ello desarrollará las siguientes actividades:1. Participación en cursos y talleres de danza y expresión corporal.2. Organización de actuaciones de danza.3. Organización de cursos y talleres relacionados con la salud, la cultura y el espectáculo.4. Colaboración con asociaciones culturales y sociales.5. Conferencias y actividades culturales relacionadas con fines de la asociación6. Organizar las clases de baile, expresión corporal y talleres, cuyo coste será sufragado, a título personal, por las asociadas.7. Facilitar a las socias la posibilidad de adquirir los vestuarios y complementos necesarios para cada evento. Asesoramiento a las socias sobre los vestuarios y complementos necesarios para cada evento
Tlf. 667 890 831
Najmarabic Women's Association is a non profit organization, based in Malaga.
It was founded as Association on July 8, 2011, but had been operating as a group since 2003. Its legalization took place in April 2012.
Article 6. Fines
1. To promote multicultural integration through dance, music, lectures and other cultural activities.
2. To promote and facilitate training in oriental dance and other dances, as well as body language.
3. Collaborate with other cultural associations and municipalities or districts, promoting the participation of women in socio-cultural life.
4. To promote and disseminate the activities of other associations, cultural sites participating in them, as well as activities and workshops for teachers and dance centers.
5. Collaborate in charity events to the extent of its possibilities.
6. encourage social diversity, both in age and sex. The activities organized by the association will not be vetoed by sex or age of the participants.
And it will develop the following activities:
1. Participation in courses and workshops of dance and physical expression.
2. Organization of dance performances.
3. Organization of courses and workshops related to health, culture and entertainment.
4. Collaboration with cultural and social associations.
5. Conferences and cultural activities aims of the association
6. Arrange dance lessons, body expression and workshops, the cost will be borne, personally, by partner.
7. To provide the members the opportunity to purchase the costumes and accessories necessary for each event. Advice to members on the costumes and accessories necessary for each event
Article 6. Fines
1. To promote multicultural integration through dance, music, lectures and other cultural activities.
2. To promote and facilitate training in oriental dance and other dances, as well as body language.
3. Collaborate with other cultural associations and municipalities or districts, promoting the participation of women in socio-cultural life.
4. To promote and disseminate the activities of other associations, cultural sites participating in them, as well as activities and workshops for teachers and dance centers.
5. Collaborate in charity events to the extent of its possibilities.
6. encourage social diversity, both in age and sex. The activities organized by the association will not be vetoed by sex or age of the participants.
And it will develop the following activities:
1. Participation in courses and workshops of dance and physical expression.
2. Organization of dance performances.
3. Organization of courses and workshops related to health, culture and entertainment.
4. Collaboration with cultural and social associations.
5. Conferences and cultural activities aims of the association
6. Arrange dance lessons, body expression and workshops, the cost will be borne, personally, by partner.
7. To provide the members the opportunity to purchase the costumes and accessories necessary for each event. Advice to members on the costumes and accessories necessary for each event
667 890 831
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